The Elopak Whistleblowing channel

Please be aware that the Elopak Whistleblower is not intended to replace existing workplace procedures. Rather it provides an additional, alternative and secure way to report matters that concern you. Matters could be breach of the Elopak Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption policy, or a suspicion of a violation of the Code Of Conduct and Anti-Corruption policy.

If you are an Elopak employee please consider first to raise the issue with your manager, local HR or directly to the CFO/Compliance Officer or the CHRO.
Elopak has entered a service agreement with external expert company KPMG Norway to handle any report made through the Whistleblowing Channel. The service provided by KPMG ensures that Elopak employees and external stakeholders can report their concerns confidentially. KPMG will safeguard the notifier’s anonymity unless they want to give up their identity.

The Whistleblower form is available in English, Spanish, Norwegian, Danish, French, German, Russian and Dutch. You can select the different language versions on the start page of the form.

Ways to act:

You can send an e-mail to:
You can call directly to: (+47) 406 39 400
This service is available Monday to Friday 09:00-15:30 hrs (GMT+1)
Your phone number will not be displayed to the receiver of the call.
You can schedule a personal one to one meeting. Visiting address is:
KMPG, Sørkedalsveien 6, Oslo 0369
You can send a letter to:
Varslingsmottak v/KPMG Advisory,
PV 7000 Majorstuen,
N-0306 Oslo.