
Sustainability reporting is vital to the work we do at Elopak. It helps us to structure our sustainability approach and provides good and relevant feedback which helps us understand and improve our sustainability performance. By cataloguing our efforts, we gain a greater understanding of how we are advancing as a company and hope to encourage others to do the same.

Sustainability reporting is vital to the work we do at Elopak. It helps us to structure our sustainability approach and provides good and relevant feedback which helps us understand and improve our sustainability performance. By cataloguing our efforts, we gain a greater understanding of how we are advancing as a company and hope to encourage others to do the same.

Elopak’s sustainability reports covers three main areas of responsibility: our people, our planet, and our profits. Among the successes recorded in the 2020 report are an 11 per cent reduction in our direct greenhouse gas emissions since 2017; an increase in the sales volume of FSC™-certified (FSC™C081801) cartons from one per cent in 2010 to 54 per cent in 2020; and the avoidance of 18,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) due to the use of renewable polymers in cartons and closures. We have also compensated for almost 250,000 tonnes of GHG emissions through our carbon neutral program, running since 2016.

Since 2008 we have published key environmental data in our environmental reports. This data is not as all-encompassing as the later sustainability reports but gives an idea of the development of Elopak’s environmental impact.

All our data are based on internal reporting, collated from production, administration and sales units worldwide, and is in line with the framework of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Environmental data are third party verified according to the ISO standard (ISO 14064-3:2006).

You can find all our reports here:

Our Framework
Elopak environmental reporting uses the Greenhouse Gas Protocol: a widely used standard for environmental reporting. We report on all plants where Elopak has operational control, excluding joint ventures. You can find out more about the Greenhouse Gas Protocol

According to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, a company’s emissions are divided into three scopes, as illustrated below:

Scope One covers all direct emissions, including those from company vehicles and our production lines. Scope Two covers upstream indirect emissions such as business travel, employees commuting and purchased goods. Scope Three covers all downstream indirect emissions, most importantly the end-of-life treatment of our cartons.

We report greenhouse gas data in both CO2. equivalents (CO2e) and in terms of individual greenhouse gasses. The table below describes what we report on in each scope, how often this data is verified, and how much each scope constitutes of our total emissions.

From 2020 onwards, Elopak will use the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework for all sustainability reporting. You can find out more about it here.

Greenwashing is when companies make potentially misleading claims about their sustainability without evidencing these claims or providing proper documentation. This undermines those companies making genuine and valuable efforts to become more sustainable and ends up hurting us all.

Elopak stands firmly against the practice of greenwashing and in 2020 signed the Guide Against Greenwashing Pledge. This initiative was created by Skift – Climate Business Leaders, WWF Norway, Zero and Future In Our Hands. It serves as a practical guide against greenwashing and in doing so seeks to accelerate a shift towards genuine sustainability.

As a signatory, Elopak has committed to being honest and accountable in its reporting; to taking actions to further sustainability in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); and to maintaining a strong focus on reducing the company’s environmental footprint.

You can read Elopak CEO Thomas Körmendi’s statement on greenwashing here

*Verification in accordance with ISO14064 – 3:2006 as meeting the requirements of The Greenhouse Gas Protocol – A Corporate Accounting and Reporting standard

Elopak reports annually in line with The Greenhouse Gas protocol, as well as to CDP, EcoVadis and Sedex. ​

*Verification in accordance with ISO14064 – 3:2006 as meeting the requirements of The Greenhouse Gas Protocol – A Corporate Accounting and Reporting standard​