Carbon neutral approach
Elopak became carbon neutral in 2016 and has since compensated remaining emissions through carbon neutrality.
After years of reducing Elopak’s greenhouse gas emissions by way of energy efficiency and phasing in renewable energy, there are still residual emissions which cannot be reduced to zero. Examples include emissions from the transport of raw materials and finished goods, as well as emissions from business travel.
In order to get to zero, Elopak supports projects outside of the value chain, that can provide third-party verified carbon emission reduction credits. In doing so, we are contributing not only to reduced emissions but also facilitating positive effects on local livelihoods and the environment.
We will keep working to reduce our own emissions and ensure our cartons maintain a low carbon footprint. By compensating our residual emissions, we are positively contributing to climate change mitigation. Climate change is a global problem that is crossing borders. We aim to make a positive impact where we can.

For any organization to reduce its GHG emissions, it must first quantify them

Identify and act on the potential for reducing GHG emissions

Support projects with verifiable emission reductions outside of own operations.
Elopak’s program for carbon neutrality works in the following manner. Firstly, we measure and quantify our emissions. Elopak has done this, in accordance to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, every year since 2008. Then we work continuously to reduce our emissions. Finally, we compensate our remaining emissions by supporting projects outside our value chain. Still, we report transparently on the actual emissions we have, even if they have been offset. In addition to being a carbon neutral company, Elopak also offers carbon neutral packaging.
The carbon neutral company certification is in accordance with PAS2060 while carbon neutral packaging is certified according to PAS2060 and The CarbonNeutral Protocol. All calculations are verified by an independent third-party, Anthesis Consulting Group.