Approach and expectations to responsible sourcing

Elopak is committed to conducting business in a responsible manner and to account for social and environmental aspects in our value chain. Our business depends on reliable and high-quality suppliers and raw materials that meet the demands of our own production as well as demands and expectations from our customers, end-consumers and other stakeholders.

Transparency and credible proof of sustainability is key to us. This is why we ensure that our main renewable materials, paperboard and renewable plastics, are sourced and verified through certification systems such as PEFC, SFI®, FSC™ and ISCC.

Elopak is committed to reducing emissions from our value chain by 16%. This can only be achieved through partnership and collaboration with key suppliers.

We require our suppliers to comply with our Global Supplier Code of Conduct, setting forth our expectations in the areas of business ethics, human rights, labor practices, health and safety and the environment. It is based on the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, the UN Declaration of Human Rights and core ILO (International Labor Organization) conventions and compliance with applicable law.

We started implementing our Supplier Code of Conduct in 2016 and initially targeted raw material suppliers in addition to other key (mainly direct) categories. In addition, our Category Managers and Purchasing Managers are responsible for continuously ensuring that all our suppliers sign our Supplier Code of Conduct or demonstrate conformance by documenting that corresponding policies or codes are in place, as part of all new and renegotiated contracts with Elopak.

By 2018 approximately 95% of our Raw Material suppliers and in total 75% of all suppliers (by spend) had either singned our Supplier Code of Conduct or demonstrated conformance.


As a next step we are reviewing our suppliers on-boarding, qualification and performance monitoring process which will be developed further to consider social and environmental aspects and evaluating compliance with our Supplier Code of Conduct. This will be done through self-assessments and common industry assessment tools. The general principle is to engage in a process of continuous improvement, collaboration and transparency in order to work with professionalism and integrity.